3 Elements of the Perfect Marketing Image With Cara Taylor Swift

Do the images on your website, social media, and print materials give the best first impression possible for your horse business? Equine and product photographer Cara Taylor Swift is sharing a simple checklist so you can be sure you're using the perfect images in all of your marketing materials.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!

Do you have criteria for selecting or taking images for your equine business?

Maybe you have a feel for what you do and don't like—but you've never stopped consider if there are specific things you should be looking for as you filter through the photos on your phone or computer before you make that online post.

I get it. You have a lot of other things going on, right?

But what if I told you the image you're using on the homepage of your website has the potential to get someone to keep scrolling and eventually buy, or to get them to click away to the next website on the list.

Well, it's true!

And Cara Taylor Swift with Fast Horse Photography has some specific insights from her years as an equine and tack photographer that are going to help guide you so that you're using images that connect with your best-fit audience.

3 Elements of the Perfect Marketing Image:

  1. Your image needs to tell a focus story.

  2. Your image should be consistent with your brand and message.

  3. Your image should evoke emotion and action.


Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into how you can apply each of these tips and insights from Cara to your own business!

Links mentioned in this episode:

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