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How to Beat Imposter Syndrome So You Can Build Your Horse Business Online

If imposter syndrome is keeping you from showing up on social media, getting that website in order, or getting strategic with your email marketing strategy, here are 3 practical ways you can kick it to the curb so you can take action.

two sisters at kenny chesney concert in nashville tennessee

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!

Do any of these statements sound familiar?

I don’t know what I’m doing here.

I’m not qualified for this.

Why do I think I can train this horse, show at this level, teach this many students, buy this property, charge this amount of money, etc.?

The common thread here: imposter syndrome. AKA self-doubt.

And it impacts your horse business on every level, especially with your marketing.

Imposter syndrome is the reason you aren’t …

showing your face online

sending emails

creating a business page or profile on social

starting that YouTube channel

letting people know you have openings

starting clinics even though the demand is there

The horses and people you are already helping are proof – you are good at what you do.

Yet, with every effort to grow or push yourself past your comfort zone, self-doubt creeps in.

So, can we ever really conquer imposter syndrome?

It’s likely to rear it’s ugly head along your journey of entrepreneurship. So, let’s focus on some practical things you can do to conquer it.

3 Ways to Beat Imposter Syndrome So You Can Build Your Horse Business Online

  1. Be confident in your own story. You are not here by accident. You did the work. Learned the lessons. Got the certification. Trained the 100s of horses. Took 1000s of photos. Don’t discount your personal story. That’s what is going to help people online learn to trust you.

  2. Embrace your skills and experience. Say it with me: "I am a (_______)." Business Owner Photographer Educator Trainer Instructor Coach

  3. Believe you have something to give others. Here's a practical way to remind yourself you are helping people & horses: keep a sunshine folder. Screenshot those texts and save those emails and then save them in an album on your phone or an inbox folder titled "Sunshine." Here's some of the ones I've saved: Phyllis said: Just got off zoom call with my colleagues, they both said it looked great and you did a great job! Joyce: Thank you for your encouragement and all the resources you have available. My goal for this year was to get five loyal clients, and I'm almost positive at least four of them will be coming back - and it’s only July. Rachel: I don’t think my business would be where it is without your guidance. On the days I might feel self-doubt, I go to my sunshine folder to remind myself the work I'm doing truly is helping horse business owners do what they love. Your turn!

Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of the insights shared and discover how you can apply each one in your horse business!

If imposter syndrome is keeping you from showing up on social media, getting that website in order, or getting strategic with your email marketing strategy, the best way to get past it is to do the work and take the action.

Sometimes you need another level of accountability to do those things. That’s where 1:1 coaching comes in.

Each quarter I book new 1:1 clients, so check out Take the Reins and see if it's what you need to move the needle in your equestrian business. 👇


Links Mentioned In This Episode

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