It’s time to stop chasing trends or staying frozen in analysis paralysis when it comes to marketing your horse business. In this episode, you’ll learn my proven step-by-step process for turning your connections into your customers.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the information out there on how to market your horse business?
How and when to post? Reels vs TikTok vs YouTube shorts, or try to do it all? Should you do expos and events?
There are endless options to market your horse business. And, it’s easy to give in to the temptation to chase trends or just get stuck in analysis paralysis.
Or, maybe you don’t get paralyzed. Instead, you jump in, but you never stick with anything long enough to get long-term results for your business.
Trying a little bit of this and that or even copying what everyone is doing will only get you so far.
Marketing that works starts with a plan centered around your personal goals for your business.
In this episode, you’ll learn my proven step-by-step process for marketing your horse business.
Whether you’ve been in business for years, you’re just starting out, or you’re launching a new program, this is for you.
When you follow these four steps, you’ll have a solid foundation for your marketing so you can connect with the right people—and turn those right people into your customers.
Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Equestrian Business
Step 1: Know who you serve.
Marketing is talking to the right people in a way that speaks to them. You need to know who the “right people” are for your horse business.
Step 2: Build an email list.
Your email list is your direct line of communication with the people who are most interested in your services or products.
(By the way, you can get started building your email list even before you have a website. Most email service providers make it easy to create what's called a landing page where you can collect names and email addresses.)
Step 3: Engage on social media.
Now that you have a way to invite your new friends on social media to keep up with you via email, it's time to jump in and get social.
When it comes to social media, remember that it was created as a social network. That means you don't want to just create content and move on with your day. Instead, engage with your followers and with the people and pages that you follow to create conversations and connections.
Step 4: Use your website to turn visitors into customers.
Your website is more than just a place for people to get more information on what you do. It's an opportunity to showcase the level of quality they can expect from you and to guide them on a journey, from visitor to customer.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of the steps and discover how you can apply each one in your horse business!
Links Mentioned In This Episode
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