Our Mission: Stormlily Ranch exists to provide a safe and peaceful ranch environment where at-risk youth and those affected by sexual abuse, exploitation, and trafficking find hope and the healing touch of Jesus through hands-on experience with rescued horses.
While the full structure of a session is still being determined, we do know each participant will be paired with an adult. That adult will become their mentor and they’ll continue to be paired together for the remainder of their sessions.
Why is this so important?
The majority of our participants, both youth and adult, will come to Stormlily Ranch having never experienced a safe, stable relationship with an adult.
Imagine that with me. Maybe you’ve been blessed to have a mom or dad (or both) support you and love you through the years. Or, maybe it was an aunt or uncle. Or, a coach or family friend that mentored you. If it’s a yes for you, then I bet you would say that relationship helped make you the person you are today. The majority of participants at Stormlily Ranch will not have experienced that ... yet.
Yes, the horses will play a vital role in sessions at Stormlily Ranch—so will our mentors.
Check out what a Harvard study on resilience in kids found:
The single most common factor for children who develop resilience is at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive parent, caregiver, or other adult. (1)
Why does resilience matter? Resilience is a combination of protective factors that enable people to adapt in the face of serious hardship, and is essential to ensuring that children who experience adversity can still become healthy, productive citizens. (2)
The heart of Stormlily Ranch will always be the love of Jesus. Horses will help open the door to share that love. And, mentors will be there to support, care, and love our participants each step of the way.
Regarding who else will be involved in sessions, for the safety, security, and accountability of our team and participants, every session will involve at least two adults.
For some sessions, the second adult will be a listener or encourager for the parent or family member who brings the participant to the Ranch. If the participant comes alone, the second adult will be available and present as support for the mentor and participant.
If you have any other specific questions about the sessions, please let me know. I’m so grateful for the similar ministry training I’ve been receiving as they provide great insight into this process.
Do you want to be part of bringing hope and healing through Stormlily Ranch?
Right now, Stormlily Ranch is in its infancy. That's what's so exciting—God has put this vision on my heart, and I know He is going before us preparing the way and preparing the hearts of people like you who will come alongside us to make it happen.
Your first step? Join the Stormlily Ranch Prayer Team!