When a crisis happens, we all get to choose how we’re going to respond. How are you responding to COVID-19? Check out how these businesses are getting creative plus be inspired to take action in your own business.
If I asked you to tell me about the businesses in your area and how they’re responding to the pandemic we’re currently in, what would you say?
I’m guessing you’d tell me about restaurants offering curbside pick-up or even delivering when they previously didn’t provide that option. Or maybe you’ve seen other businesses take on caring for essential workers in new ways.
Isn’t it so interesting to see how businesses are responding? Inspiring, really!
That’s exactly why I wrote this post. I want you to continue to be inspired, but also to go one step further to discover new ways that your own business can respond to crisis.
So, whether your business has had to make major changes already or you know it’s on the horizon, this is for you.
As you read, ask yourself these two questions:
What can I learn from this?
If I’m going to apply this to my business, what’s one action I can take today?
And actually write down your answers. There’s something that happens to solidify ideas and get the ball rolling when we take time to put our thoughts down on paper.
Okay, get your pen and paper handy!
Here are three creative ways businesses are responding to COVID-19.
1. Adjusting Service or Product Delivery
This movie theatre in Texas is still offering family entertainment, even though it had to close its doors. They turned their parking lot into a drive-in movie theatre!
Each detail of the process has been structured to meet safety guidelines and protocols, from how they receive payment (mobile app only, no cash allowed) to delivery of the snacks and food from their kitchen (car delivery from gloved employees).
Our local candy shop, Bon Bon’s Candy House, is also a great example of adjusting product delivery. Leading up to Easter is a big time of sales for most candy stores. For some, it’s bigger than Valentine’s Day. But since candy isn’t considered essential, she had to close the physical doors to her store.
So, what’d she do? She started promoting online orders with curbside pick-up options and flat-rate shipping! And guess what—she sold out of a lot of her Easter candy days before Easter. Plus, as a bonus, she’s collected some new email addresses she can use to market future sales in her store.
Okay, now it’s your turn. Since you likely can’t do what you’ve always done right now, how can you adjust your product or service delivery?
2. Using Technology In Their Favor
“Do you zoom?” is not a reference to driving cars, is it? Right now, if you ask most people that question, they’re going to know you’re talking about a web-based conference call, usually with video. That wasn’t the case just a few months ago.
Technology has completely changed the options available to businesses as they look for ways to stay in business during this pandemic. So, how are businesses using technology creatively right now?
Horse shows might be something you think have to be done in person. Not according to the American Paint Horse Association! They’ve recently launched virtual horse shows for their members. While they’ve built a custom solution for their show, you could definitely explore this idea in a simpler way through Facebook groups or recorded video submissions on your website.
Actually, there are lots of ways horse-related businesses can use technology in their favor. That’s why I put together a brand new free guide just for horse business owners!
(Why a guide for horse business owners? My last post talked about how focus helps remove overwhelm, and I’ve chosen to focus my service offerings on helping horse business owners with their website marketing. Yes, I can still serve other businesses but horse businesses are my specialty! :-) Now, back to the blog post!)
So, how about you? How can you use technology to continue offering products and services and provide an income to keep your business going?
Of course, if you’re intimidated by technology, start with just one thing and do it well. Don’t get trapped into thinking you have to do what everyone else is doing. Just don’t do absolutely nothing.
3. Reaching Out With Personal Touches
While technology is awesome and should be used in your business, there’s nothing quite like a person-to-person encounter to remind people you care.
Paula Nienhueser with The Guardian Group Insurance has been on the phone a lot since her community received its shelter-in-place order. She’s taking this time to check in with her clients, both current and past. She’s getting one-on-one time and also ensuring they’re getting everything they need as it relates to their insurance policies, annuities, etc.
Our church is doing the same thing, using their staff to make thousands of calls each week to do personal check-ins. The great thing about this is that it’s doable for every single business.
Your turn! What can you and your team do now to bring a personal touch to those you serve?
Well, there you have it!
I hope you’re walking away with one or two really solid ideas for how your business can creatively meet needs and stay in business during COVID-19. You can do this—I’m cheering you on!