Learn the two biggest mistakes equine entrepreneurs make when it comes to their marketing and what you should do instead.
Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
You hear all the time about what you should be doing when it comes to marketing your horse business. But, is there anything you should avoid? Well, yes!
There are probably lots of things we could dive into that you should avoid. But I want to share with you the two things I see over and over as I’m working with equine entrepreneurs. And honestly, they’re things I’ve learned along the way as well.
Now, let me start with affirming you for taking action.
It’s not easy to chase your dreams, to take the steps to start an equine business, to build something from the ground up. And messy as it might be, that’s what you’re doing.
So, kudos to my fellow equine entrepreneurs – you are doing the thing that so many other people just think about or wish was possible. You’re doing it!
Because I know you’re not only doing it but you’re here to learn, you want to make wise marketing decisions. That’s why I want to help you avoid making some super common marketing mistakes in your journey.
In this episode, you’ll learn the two biggest mistakes equine entrepreneurs make when it comes to their marketing and what you should do instead.
Mistake #1: Trying to do it all.
Especially in the early years of your business but honestly, as a long-term growth strategy, it’s best for you to pick one thing at a time and do it well rather than trying to do all the things at the same time.
Even though it can be difficult, narrow down your products and services so you can hone your craft and become known for your main thing.
What is it that you do really well, is solving a real problem for your ideal audience, and you actually enjoy? Focus your business offerings on that.
Mistake #2: Trying to be for everybody.
This is all about who you are communicating to in your marketing and messaging. Who are you for?
You can’t do everything well. And, you can’t do it for everyone either.
If you want to grow, you’ve got to be willing to niche down and be specific with your audience.
“I’m for all horse people” isn’t going to cut it, especially as a small business.
How do people know if you’re really for them? Because every horse person is definitely not the same.
The equine industry is both deep and wide—from different disciplines and riding styles to different training philosophies and methods as well as different goals with your horse and even the breed of your horse.
So, as a small business, do not try to be for everyone. Instead, get laser-focused on your audience. When you do, your marketing and messaging will be massively more effective.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of the insights I shared and discover how you can apply each one in your horse business!
Links Mentioned In This Episode
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