Does bigger always equal better? Or, can you have a successful business by going deeper or doing better rather than going bigger? That’s what we’re diving into in this episode!

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
When you think of your dream equine business, what comes to mind?
Do you think of building a team of apprentices and assistants and barn help and more?
Or, do you think of something completely different?
Here's what's beautiful about being a business owner. YOU get to decide what success looks like for you.
What your dream business looks like could be completely different than how your competitor or even neighbor's dream business looks, and neither one is right or wrong.
That's why you're going to love this conversation with Shelley Paulson, an equine photographer who also provides mentoring and education for equestrian photographers.
Shelley has been a business owner for a number of years, and while she has pivoted her focus a few different times, she has never pivoted what success looks like for her.
I've talked to a number of equine photographers who have all said how much they admire Shelley and her work, so I'd say people who know her and know about her would call her successful with what she's built.
Whether you're a solopreneur or you're building a team of 20, this episode has something for you. We're going to dive into some practical ways to grow your business the way that's best for you.
Here are some key nuggets of business wisdom I pulled out from my conversation with Shelley:
When you put your full energy into one thing, that one thing is going to grow.
She was at a crossroads where she had to decide whether to hire a team or find a way to do business better as a solopreneur. As a business owner, you get to decide if bigger is better for you or not.
Do a great job for the clients you already have. Can you market to existing clients versus constantly try to acquire new clients?
When possible, find diverse ways to bring in income.
It's so important not to compare. Everybody's business and needs are different.
Define your own success.
Don't be a horrible boss to yourself—in other words, give yourself time off to rest.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into how you can apply each of these quotes and insights from Shelley to your own business!
Links mentioned in this episode:
Shelley Paulson: Website | Education Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Company of One: Why Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business
My Social Stride Membership: Simplifying Social Media for Equine Entrepreneurs
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