What’s keeping you from jumping into email marketing? Whatever it is, I’ve probably heard it before, and you’re not alone. That’s why in this episode we’re debunking common email marketing myths.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
We/ve seen a lot going on in the world of social media these past few months, right? And with a lot of people choosing to leave or be more selective with their time when it comes to social media, email marketing has come front and center again when it comes to marketing your horse business.
But even with that, there are still a lot of people who are hesitant about email marketing. Or who haven’t jumped in with both feet because they don’t really understand it and aren’t even really sure what questions to ask.
That’s why we're talking about some common email marketing myths.
And I'm going to debunk those for you so that you can see the true value that email marketing holds for your horse business.
No matter what size of business you have and no matter what area of the equine market you are serving, email marketing will work for you.
In case you need a real-life example to put this into perspective, back in episode #2 I introduced you to my client Lindsay Hayes-Cofell of Hayes Cofell Performance Horses.
In that episode, we talked about how she only started intentionally or strategically collecting email addresses in early 2020. And still, at that point of our conversation in October of 2020, she shared how she fills up all of her clinics by emailing her list before ever posting about it on social media.
Plus, almost every time she sends an email to her list, she gets more orders in her online store they affectionately call their Tack Shop—and she doesn’t even push or promote the tack shop every time.
You see what I mean?
It works. And it will work for you, my friend.
Here are the 4 email marketing myths we debunked on the podcast:
Email marketing is only for product-based businesses.
All of my potential customers already get too many emails. There is no room for me in their inbox.
Email marketing takes too much time.
Emails have to be beautifully designed to deliver results.
Alright, do you feel a little better about email marketing now? It’s doable, right?!
Has a website refresh been on your to-do list? Start here ...
My five-step process to review your website and create an action plan so that it works to help you grow a sustainable horse business.
Links mentioned in this episode:
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