Have you ever felt a little overwhelmed? (Okay, or a lot!) With the privilege of owning a horse business comes the responsibility of managing many moving parts in your business.
So, if you’re feeling the weight of that lately, this one action step can help you move from overwhelmed to focused so you can get things done and move your business forward.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
Let’s be real.
While you’re in the horse business because you love horses and it brings you joy, there are some parts of it that don’t bring you so much joy.
I’m not talking specifically about marketing. I’m talking about the joys of being a business owner and the many hats you wear and the responsibilities you have.
From operations to HR to accounting to scheduling to barn manager to vet, you never know what the day will hold.
And while it’s usually pretty great, I know that sometimes it can just be downright overwhelming.
Here’s the thing I want you to remember, though.
Even in the midst of the overwhelm, you and I can choose how we’re going to respond as business owners.
We don’t get to choose the challenge but we do get to choose our response.
Sometimes, though, we get overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. With so much information on your plate, you’re oftentimes either distracted or just frozen, unsure of what to do next.
That’s why I want to share with you some of the best advice I’ve heard as it relates to responding to a challenge, or even a crisis, as a business owner.
So, here you go. The best advice was to choose three things that you will do in the next seven days that will help you to move your business forward.
And write them down so that you’ll see them and act on them every day.
When we get clear on what’s most important and what’s going to help us meet the goals for our business and family, then it’s much easier to see through the mud, muck, and mire. We can see where we’re going and we can figure out the necessary steps to get there.
It’s important when you make your list that you don’t just list your regular “to-do” items like checking emails, returning phone calls, etc.
Those things are important, but we’re talking about the real needle-movers.
Instead, take time to really think strategically about what will help move your business forward.
If you need help getting to the strategic things that should be on your list, ask yourself these questions.
3 Questions to Discover the Needle-Movers for Your Business:
What goals did you start the year with as it relates to your business? How might they need to be adjusted now? Or, what can you do in the 7 days to help you meet them?
Are there specific things you can or should do to care for your team well? Meeting your goals from the first question will be pretty hard to do if you’re not leading and caring for your team well.
What has been on your list that should either be shifted to someone else’s list or just needs to be removed entirely?
Remember, we’re aiming for what you can accomplish in the next seven days to keep you moving forward.
I know you’ve heard it before but I think it can’t be said too much.
You’re not alone.
And you can do this.
Just start with three things for the next seven days and do them. And then a week from now, you can start a new list. And before you know it, you’ll have made some major progress.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into this entire strategy and how you can apply it to your business!
Links mentioned in this episode:
Episode 13: 5 Powerful Steps to Set Goals That Keep You Motivated All Year Long
My Marketing Services (Because sometimes you just don't want to DIY anymore!)
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