Do you ever have a hard time figuring out what to say in your marketing? From social media to websites and printables, the words you use matter. Here’s how you can learn to write words that speak to your dream customer.
Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
How often have you started to write something for a social media post because you know you’re supposed to but you just have no clue what to say?
I’m not talking about a fun, random update.
I mean, using social media to actually serve and grow your business—because that takes a little more thought.
Or, maybe it’s an update you need to do for your website or an email you need to write?
If you often find yourself staring at a blank screen, you’re not alone.
The reason we’re talking about this today is because when people jump into my free How to Market Your Horse Business FB group—which you’re invited to join here —I always ask about their biggest marketing challenge.
And here’s what I hear often ...
“I don’t know what to post on social media.”
“I don't know what to say to reach the right people.”
“How do I explain what I do or why they should work with me?
“How do I tell them why they should send their horses to work with me?”
Maybe you’ve said those same things.
And you’re saying it because you know the words that you use matter greatly from—from websites to social media to youtube descriptions to print ads and fliers.
The words in your marketing will either entice or invite someone to learn more about you or have the opposite effect and get them to keep moving on to the next thing.
That’s why today you’re going to learn how to write the words that will speak to your dream customer.
One of the things I talked about in episode 37 was the need to write from the customer’s perspective.
So often, we write things through our own filter but it’s important that when we write, we put on the filter of our best-fit audience.
What problems to do they have?
What things do they care about?
What words do they use to describe their problems?
Your next question right now might be. “Great, Denise, sounds good, but how do I know what words to use?”
I’m glad you asked!
Here are 5 ways you can get content ideas from your dream customer:
Instagram DMs or FB message
Phone call
Okay, so you have some idea for how to get in touch with your best-fit audience to learn about them. But what should you ask?
First of all, remember this: you’re doing each of these things as an exercise in learning about your dream customer—not to sell.
Here are 3 questions to ask:
What’s working well when it comes to ____?
What’s not working well when it comes to ____? Or, What stresses you out when it comes to _____?
What would you consider a DREAM solution around ______?
You can (and should) make variations of these questions that sound more like you. The goal is to get them to open up about their problems and what it would look like to have their dream or perfect solution.
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of these ideas and learn what to do with the information you’re gathering to help you write content for your business!
Links Mentioned In This Episode
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