Having a blog on your equine business website can be a great way to get more site traffic. Ultimately, if you do it well, that means you can get more of the right people wanting to work with you or buy your products. So, is blogging for you? Here’s how to know.

Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!
If you were around in the early 2000s you might remember when blogging was really taking off. It seemed like everyone had a personal blog of some kind, whether it was to keep family updated or to find a way to put your business out into the world.
Well, just like lots of people think that email is dead when it really isn’t, blogging is alive and well. And it can be a great way to let the Internet search algorithms know about your horse business.
In fact, businesses that have a blog get 55% more visitors to their website through increased organic search traffic and blog promotion.
Why are website visitors important? Because more visitors means more people to convert to leads and sales.
That’s why in this episode we’re diving into blogging for your horse business.
First, what is blogging?
Technically you could get into the tech side of things and that having a blog requires what is called an RSS feed. But, the more simple version we are going to adopt for this episode is that blogging is creating an article or a series of articles on your website.
It’s different from having a bunch of pages because a blog is organized by date or content categories and typically has a feed of articles that you can search or scroll through.
Yes, we could get technical, but you know I like to keep it simple around here. So that’s what we’re going with right now for a working definition of a blog.
What’s the purpose and how does blogging fit into your overall marketing strategy? Let’s dive in!
The Purpose Behind Blogging for Your Horse Business
When it comes to blogging, we are going to look at it from the perspective of an avenue of getting the right people to your website.
Remember that people buy from people and companies they know like and trust.
The purpose of your blog should be education or, in some instances, engaging entertainment. Regardless of the area of the equine industry you are in, blogging is an opportunity for you to put free valuable content out into the world in order to build trust with a larger audience, and then turn that trust into buyers.
So the purpose behind blogging is to bring in more people to your website that are the right fit for your products and services.
(Blogging does serve a purpose in terms of search engine optimization. Listen to the episode to learn more about that!)
The Best Blogging Strategy
The most efficient and effective way to use a blog post is to repurpose the content within each post as part of your overall content marketing strategy.
One post can be broken into multiple snippets for social media; you can send an email highlighting the post and pointing people to it; it could inspire content for video snippets and educational pieces. The options are endless!
Questions to Determine If Blogging Is for You
Are you clear on the purpose?
Are you committed?
Does your website have the functionality?
If you don’t have the time to create blog posts, are you willing to get help?
Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each of the blog strategies and insights and discover how you can apply each one in your horse business!
One last thing. Since your blog will be hosted on your website, it’s probably a good time to see if your website is doing its job. Here’s how you can know …
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