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How to Write a Press Release That Gets Noticed With Megan Arszman

Press releases are a great way for your horse business to draw attention to your program, celebrate a big win, or spread the word about an upcoming event. Learn how you can make your press release stand out among the dozens your media contacts are likely getting each day.

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Welcome to the show notes! Remember, this is a brief summary from the How to Market Your Horse Business podcast. You'll want to listen to the entire episode for all the good stuff!

Before we dive into the “how” of press releases, let’s talk about the “what.”

What is a press release? In the simplest terms, it’s a brief news story shared with the media in hopes that they’ll publish it as news.

Yep, even in the days of social media, a press release might be exactly the thing you need to spread the word about your event or to even get the media to do a news story on your business.

When I say media, this could mean your local newspaper or TV station, or it could be your association news, or even a national news outlet. For any one of those, you’ll want to send an official press release when you have news to share about your horse business.

And your average media person gets a lot of press releases sent to them on a daily basis, so how can you make yours stand out?

That’s exactly the right question, and it’s why I invited Megan Arszman of Megan Arszman Communications onto the podcast. Megan, as you’ll hear in the podcast, has a history of working within the equine industry media and she recently wrote a press release that caught my eye.

So, I asked her to come onto the podcast and share with you some of her best tips for horse business owners that want to write press releases that will get noticed.

10 Keys to Writing A Press Release That Gets Noticed:

  1. Know your audience.

  2. Include the key facts early in the release.

  3. Include supportive quotes from yourself and/or key players.

  4. Write an attention-grabbing headline. (FYI This is also going to be your email subject line.)

  5. Edit your work. Have someone else read it before you send it out.

  6. Include a photo with a caption.

  7. Send the entire text of the release inside of an email. In other words, do NOT send it as a PDF attachment which creates more work for the editor.

  8. Send it to a specific writer’s email address—don’t use the standard “news@...” email because it can easily be overlooked.

  9. Tell a story to make it interesting versus just listing out the facts.

  10. Go do it! You are your biggest cheerleader for your business.

Of course, you'll want to listen to the full episode to dig into each tip from Megan and discover how you can apply each one to your next press release!

Links Mentioned In This Episode

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